Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Loon at Kayuta Lake

We went out on the canoe and kayaks with my cousin Meny and her husband Rudy this afternoon. Paddling through the mid portion of the lake, we saw the black head of a large bird just over the top of the water. It was sitting low in the water and had a long pointed bill unlike the common ducks we usually see. Then, it dove and disappeared only to appear again further out on the lake. It was a loon!!! Common in the Adirondacks, this was the first time we have ever seen a loon on our lake.

We crossed under the railroad trestle and proceeded to a cove on the right. After a considerable distance, we spotted a turtle on a tree stump. Going further, I spotted something swimming in the water that was definitely not a duck. A kayaker told us it was either a beaver or muskrat. He raced the animal down and shouted out "beaver"! On the way back we visited the turtle up close but of course it jumped off the stump just as I was about to take its picture.

The sky started to appear threatening just as we got back on the main body of the lake. We were padding full throttle when we heard a train whistle. We paddled as fast as would could towards the train bridge. About 5 minutes later a 6-car train crossed the bridge. As we approached the bridge, a bi-plane flew over the bridge from the other side. Passing under the bridge I saw the Loon again - it popped up out of the water just in front of my kayak. Appearing just as surprised as I was, it dove again and fortunately reappeared close enough for me to take its picture.

We made it back to the house with nearly an hour to spare before the heavens let loose. We all agreed that this was the best wildlife viewing paddling expedition we have ever had on this lake.