Saturday, August 30, 2014

Remsen Falls in Remsen

Aside from the "not really a waterfall" Remsen Falls, there is another falls of the same name in the town of (where else?) Remsen. This one can even be found in the list of Northern New York Waterfalls.

Going on Route 12 to the village of Remsen, we turned onto Steuben Street, left on Main Street and then right on Prospect Street.  We took the first right turn and parked right after the railroad tracks before the closed bridge, the Cincinnati Creek briskly flowing below it.


On foot, we followed the tracks southward,  parallel to the creek, the rambling of the waters progressively increasing in intensity.

After about a hundred yards, the falls came into view.

Wider than its 20 foot drop, this is said to be a curtain cascade type of waterfall.  Although it can be seen from Prospect Street, one has to get close to it to appreciate its beauty. Feeling the cold mist from the falls is surely worth the extra steps.